Simplify Your HPC Simulation with ‘SyncHPC v2.0’

‘SyncHPC’ is a Hybrid High-Performance Computing (HPC) Management Platform to perform complex computing jobs effectively.

SyncHPC provides complete ownership of cloud infrastructure for its users. They can deploy, manage, and access HPC on their own subscribed Cloud accounts. Also, they can build a hybrid HPC using On-Premise and Cloud resources.

Add On-Premise and Multi-Cloud HPC Deployment

Auto Scale-Up and Scale-Down:

Every job submitted by users needs a specific amount of HPC resources. This platform automatically scales up/down the number of cores as per need.

Users can also access Head and Workstore Nodes.

Manage Applications:

SyncHPC supports many commercial and open source applications. It helps to add and manage a various number of HPC applications with the user’s own HPC application licenses.

‘SyncHPC’ supports various numbers of applications.

Job Scheduling:

Users need to select the application name and add a few job-required details to subject the job at any deployment. The jobs get scheduled according to the scheduling algorithm.

Users can also do various actions like ‘Cancel Job’, Show Output, Repeat Jobs, etc.

User Management:

Admin can add multiple users and assign them a specific role and access control to use ‘SyncHPC’.

User Management

Usage Analysis:

This ‘Reports’ section provides Usage Details to the users to analyze their workflow.

Pre and Post Processing:

This platform also allows users to access Virtual Machines to perform Pre and Post Processing for their jobs.

Security / Compliance Considerations:

  1. SyncHPC has received Service Organization Controls (TUV NORD ISO/IEC 27001:2013) report for ‘security, ‘availability’ and ‘confidentiality’.
  2. The firewall will be established at cloud deployment.
  3. Storage data can only be accessed from user’s premises and cloud machines dedicated to the organization’s Users.
  4. Data transfer and Data at rest (stored) will be encrypted with industry-standard protocols (AES256 and SSL).  
  5. Syncious will provide a VAPT report of cloud VMs and SyncHPC web application. It will be run every 6 months and a report will be submitted.
  6. Syncious has a partnership agreement with its cloud vendor along there will be an NDA with the cloud CSP distributor vendor.
  7. Alert notifications on high usage of Azure resources like Computation and Storage will be sent to Administrators. An Email-notification is sent for significant activities (like Job Submit/Cancel) are sent to specified email addresses.

By following enterprise-class security guidelines, Syncious offers such an HPC hosting platform to reduce the effort of end-users and help to increase productivity.

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